Bruno Martins |
Associate Professor, Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon. |
Short Bio: Bruno Martins is an Associate Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon, a researcher at the Human Language Technologies Lab of INESC-ID, and a member of the Lisbon ELLIS Unit (LUMLIS). He works on problems related to the general areas of information retrieval, text mining, and the geographical information sciences. Bruno has specifically been involved in several research projects related to geospatial aspects in information access and retrieval, and he has accumulated a significant expertise in addressing challenges at the intersection of information retrieval, natural language processing, and machine learning. |
I'm looking for highly motivated students to work on a range of projects. Contact me if you are interested. |
Bruno Emanuel da Graça Martins
Rua Alves Redol, 9
1000-029 Lisbon
Phone: +351 93 481 01 58
Office: 435 (ext. 2328)
ORCID: 0000-0002-3856-2936
Ciência Vitae: A914-BDD4-17B1
ResearcherID: J-9735-2015
Scopus Author ID: 8546762500
Publons ID: publons.com/a/1180234/
Mathematics Genealogy Project: 132381
Academia: BrunoMartins
Web: http://web.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/bruno.g.martins/
GitHub: https://github.com/bgmartins
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bgmartins
2024/2025 | Spoken Language Processing (IST,MEEC,MEIC,MECD)
2024/2025 | Programming (IST,LEEC,LEAer)
2023/2024 | Spoken Language Processing (IST,MEEC,MEIC,MECD)
2023/2024 | Programming (IST,LEEC,LEAer)
2023/2024 | Machine Learning (IST,MEEC)
2022/2023 | Spoken Language Processing (IST,MEEC,MEIC,MECD)
2022/2023 | Machine Learning (IST,MEEC)
2021/2022 | Information Systems and Databases (IST,MEEC,MEBiom)
2020/2021 | Biomedical Informatics (IST,MEIC,MEBiom)
2020/2021 | Introduction to Databases (MISE)
2020/2021 | Information Systems and Databases (IST,MEEC,MEBiom)
2019/2020 | Information Processing and Retrieval (IST,MEIC,METI)
2019/2020 | Information Systems and Databases (IST,MEEC,MEBiom)
2018/2019 | Biomedical Informatics (IST,MEIC,MEBiom)
2018/2019 | Information Processing and Retrieval (IST,MEIC,METI)
2018/2019 | Information Systems and Databases (IST,MEEC,MEBiom)
2017/2018 | Biomedical Informatics (IST,MEIC,MEBiom)
2017/2018 | Data Administration in Information Systems (IST,MEIC,METI)
2017/2018 | Information Processing and Retrieval (IST,MEIC,METI)
2017/2018 | Databases (IST,LEIC,LETI)
2017/2018 | Research Topics (IST,DEIC)
2016/2017 | Biomedical Informatics (IST,MEIC,MEBiom)
2016/2017 | Data Administration in Information Systems (IST,MEIC,METI)
2016/2017 | Information Processing and Retrieval (IST,MEIC,METI)
2016/2017 | Information Retrieval (IST,DEIC)
2016/2017 | Research Topics (IST,DEIC)
2015/2016 | Information Systems and Databases (IST,LEGI)
2015/2016 | Data Administration in Information Systems (IST,MEIC,METI)
2015/2016 | Research Topics (IST,DEIC)
2014/2015 | Information Processing and Retrieval (IST,MEIC)
2014/2015 | Databases (IST,LEIC,LERC)
2014/2015 | Introduction to Databases (MISE)
2014/2015 | Research Topics (IST,DEIC)
2014/2015 | Information Retrieval (IST,DEIC)
2014/2015 | Data Analysis and Integration (IST,MEIC)
2013/2014 | Data Administration in Information Systems (IST,MEIC,MERC)
2013/2014 | Systems for Geo-Referenced Information (IST,MEIC)
2013/2014 | Introduction to Databases (MISE)
2013/2014 | Information Retrieval (IST,DEIC)
2013/2014 | Research Topics (IST,DEIC)
2013/2014 | Databases (IST,LEIC,LERC)
2013/2014 | Data Analysis and Integration (IST,MEIC)
2012/2013 | Data Administration in Information Systems (IST,MEIC,MERC)
2012/2013 | Systems for Geo-Referenced Information (IST,MEIC)
2012/2013 | Information Retrieval (IST,DEIC)
2012/2013 | Data Analysis and Integration (IST,MEIC)
2011/2012 | Data Administration in Information Systems (IST,MEIC)
2011/2012 | Systems for Geo-Referenced Information (IST,MEIC)
2011/2012 | Information Retrieval (IST,DEIC)
2011/2012 | Data Analysis and Integration (IST,MEIC)
2010/2011 | Data Administration in Information Systems (IST,MEIC)
2010/2011 | Systems for Geo-Referenced Information (IST,MEIC)
2010/2011 | Information Retrieval (IST,DEIC)
2010/2011 | Data Analysis and Integration (IST,MEIC)
2009/2010 | Data Administration in Information Systems (IST,MEIC)
2009/2010 | Systems for Geo-Referenced Information (IST,MEIC)
2009/2010 | Information Retrieval (IST,DEIC)
2009/2010 | Data Analysis and Integration (IST,MEIC)
2009/2010 | Databases (IST,LEIC)
2008/2009 | Data Administration in Information Systems (IST,MEIC,MERC)
2008/2009 | Information Retrieval (IST,DEIC)
2008/2009 | Data Analysis and Integration (IST,MEIC)
2008/2009 | Databases (IST,LEIC,LERC)
2007/2008 | Data Administration in Information Systems (IST,MEIC,MERC)
2007/2008 | Data Analysis and Integration (IST,MEIC)
2007/2008 | Databases (IST,LEIC,LERC)
2006/2007 | Distributed Systems (IST,LERC)
2006/2007 | Databases (IST,LEIC)
2006/2007 | Analysis and Design of Information Systems (IST,LEIC)
Geographic Information Retrieval, Processing Geospatial Language
Text Mining, Information Extraction, Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing
Updated information is available from my academic profile in several websites: Google Scholar | DBLP | ORCID | ACM DL | Semantic Scholar | ACL Anthology | Scopus |
International Journal Papers
- Manuel Goulão, Lourenço Bandeira, Bruno Martins, Arlindo L. Oliveira, Training environmental sound classification models for real-world deployment in edge devices, Discover Applied Sciences, Volume 6, 2024 [PDF]
- Fabio Goularte, Bruno Martins, Paula Carvalho, Miguel Won, SentPT: A customized solution for multi-genre sentiment analysis of Portuguese-language texts, Expert Systems with Applications, 2024 [PDF]
- Marina Georgati, João Monteiro, Bruno Martins, Henning Sten Hansen, and Carsten Keßler, Modelling Population Distribution: A Visual and Quantitative Analysis of Gradient Boosting and Deep Learning Models for Multi-Output Spatial Disaggregation, Transactions in GIS, vol. 28, no. 2, 2024 [PDF]
- João Daniel Silva, Bruno Martins, João Magalhães, Contrastive Training of a Multimodal Encoder for Medical Visual Question Answering, Intelligent Systems with Applications, 2023 [PDF]
- Henrique Lopes Cardoso, Rui Sousa-Silva, Paula Carvalho, and Bruno Martins, Argumentation models and their use in corpus annotation: Practice, prospects, and challenges, Natural Language Engineering, 2023 [PDF]
- Isabel Coutinho, and Bruno Martins, Transformer-based Models for ICD-10 Coding of Death Certificates with Portuguese Text, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2022 [PDF]
- Rita Ramos, and Bruno Martins, Using Neural Encoder-Decoder Models with Continuous Outputs for Remote Sensing Image Captioning, IEEE Access, 2022 [PDF]
- Ana Cardoso, Bruno Martins, and Jacinto Estima, A novel deep learning approach using contextual embeddings for toponym resolution, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2022 [PDF]
- Jacques Fize, Ludovic Moncla, and Bruno Martins, Deep Learning for Toponym Resolution: Geocoding Based on Pairs of Toponyms, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2021 [PDF]
- João Monteiro, Bruno Martins, Miguel Costa, and João M. Pires, Geospatial Data Disaggregation Through Self-Trained Encoder-Decoder Convolutional Models, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2021 [PDF]
- Danielle Caled, Mário J. Silva, Bruno Martins, and Miguel Won, Multi-Label Classification of Legislative Contents with Hierarchical Label Attention Networks, International Journal on Digital Libraries, 2021 [PDF]
- Diego Jiménez–Badillo, Patricia Murrieta–Flores, Bruno Martins, Ian Gregory, Mariana Favila-Vázquez, and Raquel Liceras-Garrido, Developing Geographically Oriented NLP Approaches to Sixteenth–Century Historical Documents: Digging into Early Colonial Mexico, Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2021 [PDF]
- Maria Dias, João Monteiro, Jacinto Estima, Joel Silva, and Bruno Martins, Semantic Segmentation and Colorization of Grayscale Aerial Imagery with W-Net Models, Expert Systems, 2020 [PDF]
- Jorge Pereira, João Monteiro, Joel Silva, Jacinto Estima, and Bruno Martins, Assessing Flood Severity from Crowdsourced Social Media Photos with Deep Neural Networks, Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 79, 2020 [PDF]
- João Monteiro, Bruno Martins, Patricia Murrieta-Flores, and João M. Pires, Spatial Disaggregation of Historical Census Data Leveraging Multiple Sources of Ancillary Information, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, vol. 8, no.8, 2019 [PDF]
- Ricardo A. Silva, João M. Pires, Nuno Datia, Maribel Y. Santos, Bruno Martins, and Fernando Birra, Visual Analytics for Spatio-Temporal Events, Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 78, 2019 [PDF]
- Jorge Fernandes, Miguel Won, and Bruno Martins, Speechmaking and the Selectorate: Persuasion in Nonpreferential Electoral Systems, Comparative Political Studies, 2019 [PDF]
- Luís Borges, Bruno Martins, and Pavel Calado, Combining Similarity Features and Deep Representation Learning for Stance Detection in the Context of Checking Fake News, ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality, vol. 11, no. 3, 2019 [PDF]
- Francisco Duarte, Bruno Martins, Cátia Sousa Pinto, and Mário J. Silva, Deep Neural Models for ICD-10 Coding of Death Certificates and Autopsy Reports in Free-Text, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, vol. 80, 2018 [PDF]
- Miguel Won, Patricia Murrieta-Flores, and Bruno Martins, Ensemble NER: Evaluating Named Entity Recognition Tools in the Identification of Place Names in Historical Corpora, Frontiers in Digital Humanities, 2018 [PDF]
- João Monteiro, Bruno Martins, and João M. Pires, A Hybrid Approach for the Spatial Disaggregation of Socio-Economic Indicators, International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, vol. 5, 2018 [PDF]
- Rui Santos, Patricia Murrieta-Flores, Pável Calado, and Bruno Martins, Toponym Matching Through Deep Neural Networks, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, vol. 32, no. 2, 2017 [PDF]
- Rui Santos, Patricia Murrieta-Flores, and Bruno Martins, Combining Multiple String Similarity Metrics for Effective Toponym Matching, International Journal of Digital Earth, vol. 11, no. 9, 2017 [PDF]
- Fernando Melo, and Bruno Martins, Automated Geocoding of Textual Documents: A Survey of Current Approaches, Transactions in GIS, vol. 21, no. 1, 2017 [PDF]
- Tiago Gonçalves, Ana Paula Afonso, and Bruno Martins, Cartographic Visualization of Human Trajectory Data: Overview and Analysis, Journal of Location Based Services, vol. 9, no. 2, 2015 [PDF]
- João Santos, Ivo Anastácio, and Bruno Martins, Desambiguação de Entidades Mencionadas em Textos na Língua Portuguesa ou Espanhola, IEEE Latin America, vol. 13, no. 3, 2015 [PDF]
- Catarina Moreira, Pável Calado, and Bruno Martins, Learning to Rank Academic Experts in the DBLP Dataset, Expert Systems, vol. 32, no. 4, 2015 [PDF]
- João Santos, Ivo Anastácio, and Bruno Martins, Using Machine Learning Methods for Disambiguating Place References in Textual Documents, Springer GeoJournal, vol. 80, no. 3, 2014 [PDF]
- Eduardo Cunha, and Bruno Martins, Using One-Class Classifiers and Multiple Kernel Learning For Defining Imprecise Geographic Regions, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, vol. 28, no. 11, 2014 [PDF]
- Mário J. Silva, Bruno Martins, Marcirio Keys, Nuno Cardoso, and Ana Paula Alfonso, Adding Geographic Scopes to Web Resources, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, vol. 30, no. 4, 2006 [PDF]
Conference and Workshop Papers
- Gonçalo Gomes, Chrysoula Zerva, and Bruno Martins, Evaluation of Multilingual Image Captioning: How far can we get with CLIP models?, Findings of the Annual Conference of the Nations of the Americas Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2025 [PDF]
- Artur Guimarães, Bruno Martins, and João Magalhães, A Reproducibility Study on Consistent LLM Reasoning for Natural Language Inference over Clinical Trials, Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Retrieval, 2025 [PDF]
- Miguel Carvalho and Bruno Martins, Efficient Architectures for High Resolution Vision-Language Models, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 2025 [PDF]
- Piotr Gramacki, Bruno Martins, and Piotr Szymański, Evaluation of Code LLMs on Geo-Spatial Code Generation, Proceedings of the International ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on AI for Geographic Knowledge Discovery, 2024 [PDF]
- João Daniel Silva, João Magalhães, Devis Tuia, and Bruno Martins, Multilingual Vision-Language Pre-training for the Remote Sensing Domain, Proceedings of the ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2024 [PDF]
- João Coelho, Bruno Martins, Joao Magalhães, Jamie Callan, and Chenyan Xiong, Dwell in the Beginning: How Language Models Embed Long Documents for Dense Retrieval, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2024 [PDF]
- Artur Guimarães, Bruno Martins, and João Magalhães, Lisbon Computational Linguists at SemEval-2024 Task 2: Using A Mistral-7B Model and Data Augmentation, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 2024 [PDF]
- Luís Borges, Rohan Jha, Jamie Callan, and Bruno Martins, Generalizable Tip-of-the-Tongue Retrieval with LLM Re-ranking, Proceedings of the International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 2024 [PDF]
- Rita Ramos, Emanuele Bugliarello, Bruno Martins, and Desmond Elliott, PAELLA: Parameter-Efficient Lightweight Language-Agnostic Captioning Model, Findings of the Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2024 [PDF]
- Gonçalo Gomes, Isabel Coutinho, and Bruno Martins, Accurate and Well-Calibrated ICD Coding Through Attention Over Diverse Label Embeddings, Proceedings of the Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2024 [PDF]
- Luís Borges, Jamie Callan, and Bruno Martins, Team CMU-LTI at TREC 2023 Tip-of-the-Tongue Track, Proceedings of the Text Retrieval Conference, 2023 [PDF]
- João Pedro Novo, Manuel Goulão, Lourenço Bandeira, Bruno Martins, and Arlindo L. Oliveira, Augmentation-Based Approaches for Overcoming Low Visibility in Street Object Detection, Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, [PDF]
- Miguel Gonçalves, Bruno Martins, and Jacinto Estima, A Detailed Analysis on the Use of General-purpose Vision Transformers for Remote Sensing Image Segmentation, Proceedings of the International ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on AI for Geographic Knowledge Discovery, 2023 [PDF]
- Helder Dias, Artur Guimarães, Bruno Martins, and Mathieu Roche, Unsupervised Key-Phrase Extraction from Long Texts with Multilingual Sentence Transformers, Proceedings of the International Conference on Discovery Science, 2023 [PDF]
- Isabel Coutinho, and Bruno Martins, Exploring Label Correlations for Quantification of ICD Codes, Proceedings of the International Conference on Discovery Science, 2023 [PDF]
- Gonçalo Raposo, Luisa Coheur, and Bruno Martins, Prompting, Retrieval, Training: An exploration of different approaches for task-oriented dialogue generation, Proceedings of the SIGDIAL Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue, 2023 [PDF]
- Luís Borges, Jamie Callan, and Bruno Martins, KALE: Using a K-Sparse Projector for Lexical Expansion, Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval, 2023 [PDF]
- Filipe Amaral, Helena Sofia Pinto, and Bruno Martins, Argumentation Mining from Textual Documents Combining Deep Learning and Reasoning, Proceedings of the Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2023 [PDF]
- Rita Ramos, Bruno Martins, and Desmond Elliott, LMCap: Few-shot Multilingual Image Captioning by Retrieval Augmented Language Model Prompting, Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023 [PDF]
- Rita Ramos, Bruno Martins, Desmond Elliott, and Yova Kementchedjhieva, SmallCap: Lightweight Image Captioning Prompted with Retrieval Augmentation, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference, 2023 [PDF]
- Rita Ramos, Desmond Elliott, and Bruno Martins, Retrieval-augmented Image Captioning, Proceedings of the Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023 [PDF]
- Gonçalo Mendes, and Bruno Martins, Quantifying Valence and Arousal in Text with Multilingual Pre-trained Transformers, Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Retrieval, 2023 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins, and João Silva, Towards Natural Language Interfaces for Interacting with Remote Sensing Data, Proceedings of Spatial Data Science Symposium, 2022 [PDF]
- João Silva, João Magalhães, Devis Tuia, and Bruno Martins, Remote Sensing Visual Question Answering with a Self-Attention Multi-Modal Encoder, Proceedings of the ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Geospatial Artificial Intelligence, 2022 [PDF]
- João Monteiro, Bruno Martins, Miguel Costa, and João M. Pires, A Co-Training Approach for Spatial Data Disaggregation, Proceedings of the ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2022 [PDF]
- Tiago Manuel Mesquita, Mariana Almeida, and Bruno Martins, Dense Template Retrieval for Customer Support, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 2022 [PDF]
- Gil Rocha, Luís Trigo, Henrique Lopes Cardoso, Rui Sousa-Silva, Paula Carvalho, Bruno Martins, and Miguel Won, Annotating Arguments in a Corpus of Opinion Articles, Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2022 [PDF]
- Gil Rocha, Bernardo Leite, Luís Trigo, Henrique Lopes Cardoso, Rui Sousa Silva, Paula Carvalho, Bruno Martins, and Miguel Won, Predicting Argument Density from Multiple Annotations, Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Language & Information Systems, 2022 [PDF]
- Marina Georgati, João Monteiro, Bruno Martins, and Carsten Keßler, Spatial Disaggregation of Population Subgroups Leveraging Self-Trained Multi-Output Gradient Boosted Regression Trees, Proceedings of the AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 2022 [PDF]
- Krzysztof Janowicz, Rui Zhu, Grant McKenzie, Judith Verstegen, Bruno Martins, and Ling Cai, Six GIScience Ideas That Must Die, Proceedings of the AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 2022 [PDF]
- Gonçalo Raposo, Rui Ribeiro, Bruno Martins, and Luísa Coheur, Question Rewriting? Assessing Its Importance for Conversational Question Answering, Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Retrieval, 2022 [PDF]
- Rita Parada Ramos, and Bruno Martins, Remote Sensing Image Captioning with Continuous Output Neural Models. Proceedings of the ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2021 [PDF]
- João Coelho, João Magalhães, and Bruno Martins, Improving Neural Models for the Retrieval of Relevant Passages to Geographical Queries. Proceedings of the ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2021 [PDF]
- Rita Parada Ramos, Patricia Pereira, Helena Moniz, João Paulo Carvalho, and Bruno Martins, Retrieval Augmentation for Deep Neural Networks. Proceedings of the INNS/IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2021 [PDF]
- Luís Borges, Jamie Callan, and Bruno Martins, Assessing the Benefits of Model Ensembles in Neural Re-Ranking for Passage Retrieval, Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Retrieval, 2021 [PDF]
- Mário Cardoso, Jacinto Estima, and Bruno Martins, Spatio-Temporal Forecasting With Gridded Remote Sensing Data Using Feed-Backward Decoding, Proceedings of the ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2020 [PDF]
- Paula Carvalho, Bruno Martins, Hugo Rosa, Silvio Amir, Jorge Baptista, and Mário J. Silva, Situational Irony in Farcical News Headlines, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Processing of Portuguese, 2020 [PDF]
- Jorge Pereira, João Monteiro, Jacinto Estima, and Bruno Martins, Assessing Flood Severity from Georeferenced Photos, Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, 2019 [PDF]
- Nelson Nunes, Bruno Martins, Nuno André da Silva, Francisca Leite, and Mário J. Silva, A Multi-Modal Deep Learning Method for Classifying Chest Radiology Exams, Proceedings of the Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019 [PDF]
- Didier Dias, Bruno Martins, João Pires, Luis de Sousa, Jacinto Estima, and Carlos Damásio, Soil Classification Based on Physical and Chemical Properties Using Random Forests, Proceedings of the Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019 [PDF]
- Ana Cardoso, Bruno Martins, and Jacinto Estima, Using Recurrent Neural Networks for Toponym Resolution in Text, Proceedings of the Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019 [PDF]
- Maria Dias, João Monteiro, Joel Silva, Jacinto Estima, and Bruno Martins, Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Aerial Imagery with W-Net Models, Proceedings of the Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019 [PDF]
- Danielle Caled, Miguel Won, Bruno Martins, and Mário J. Silva, A Hierarchical Label Network for Multi-Label EuroVoc Classification of Legislative Contents, Proceedings of the International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, 2019 [PDF]
- Pedro Gomes, Bruno Martins, and Luís Cruz, Segmenting User Sessions in Search Engine Query Logs Leveraging Word Embeddings, Proceedings of the International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, 2019 [PDF]
- Miguel Won, Filipa Raimundo, and Bruno Martins, Automatic extraction of relevant keyphrases for the study of issue competition, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, 2019 [PDF]
- Frederico Rodrigues, Ricardo Ribeiro, and Bruno Martins, Neural Methods for Cross-Lingual Sentence Compression, Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications, 2018 [PDF]
- Nuno Ramanlal, Luís Freixinho, João Monteiro, Patricia Murrieta-Flores, João Moura Pires, and Bruno Martins, Machine Learning for Processing of Historical Photos Envisioning Spatial Humanities Applications, Proceedings of the Spatial Humanities Conference, 2018 [PDF]
- Raquel Liceras-Garrido, Bruno Martins, and Patricia Murrieta-Flores, Development of an Historical Place-Name Gazetteer for the Viceroyalty of New Spain, Proceedings of the Spatial Humanities Conference, 2018 [PDF]
- Hugo Rosa, Joao P. Carvalho, Pavel Calado, Bruno Martins, Ricardo Ribeiro, and Luisa Coheur Using Fuzzy Fingerprints for Cyberbullying Detection in Social Networks, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2018 [PDF]
- Nuno Freire, Bruno Martins, and Pável Calado Provision of cultural heritage metadata for Internet search engines: current practices and survey of technology, Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Publishing, 2018 [PDF]
- Rui Santos, Patricia Murrieta-Flores, and Bruno Martins, Combining String Matching and Cost Minimization Algorithms for Automatically Geocoding Tabular Itineraries, Proceedings of the Digital Humanities Conference, 2018 [PDF]
- João Monteiro, Bruno Martins, Patricia Murrieta-Flores, and João M. Pires, Spatial Disaggregation of Historical Census Data Leveraging Multiple Sources of Ancillary Data, Proceedings of the Digital Humanities Conference, 2018 [PDF]
- Rui Santos, Patricia Murrieta-Flores, and Bruno Martins, An Automated Approach for Geocoding Tabular Itineraries, Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, 2017 [PDF]
- João Monteiro, Asanobu Kitamoto, and Bruno Martins Situational Awareness from Social Media Photographs Using Automated Image Captioning, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, 2017 [PDF]
- Francisco Duarte, Bruno Martins, Cátia Sousa Pinto, and Mário J. Silva A Deep Learning Method for ICD-10 Coding of Free-Text Death Certificates, Proceedings of the Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2017 [PDF]
- Iman Mirrezaei, Bruno Martins, and Isabel F. Cruz A Distantly Supervised Method for Extracting Spatio-Temporal Information from Text, Proceedings of the ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2016 [PDF]
- Pedro Fialho, Ricardo Marques, Bruno Martins, Luísa Coheur, and Paulo Quaresma, Introducing INESC-ID@ASSIN for measuring semantic similarity and recognizing textual entailment, Proceedings of the ASSIN Shared Task at the International Conference on the Computational Processing of Portuguese, 2016 [PDF]
- Tiago Gonçalves, Ana Paula Afonso, and Bruno Martins, Why not both? – Combining 2D maps and 3D space-time cubes for human trajectory data visualization, Proceedings of the British Human Computer Interaction Conference, 2016 [PDF]
- Alexey Mazalov, Bruno Martins and David Matos, Spatial Role Labeling with Convolutional Neural Networks, Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, 2015 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins, Francisco J. López-Pellicer, and Dirk Ahlers, Expanding the Utility of Geospatial Knowledge Bases by Linking Concepts to WikiText and Polygonal Boundaries, Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, 2015 [PDF]
- Fernando Melo, and Bruno Martins, Geocoding Textual Documents Through the Usage of Hierarchical Classifiers, Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, 2015 [PDF]
- Luis M. de Campos, Juan M. Fernández-Luna, Juan F. Huete, Pável Calado and Bruno Martins, Learning Parliamentary Profiles for Recommendation Tasks, Proceedings of the Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, 2015 [PDF]
- David Batista, Bruno Martins, and Mário J. Silva, Semi-Supervised Bootstrapping of Relationship Extractors with Distributional Semantics, Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2015 [PDF]
- João Pereira, Bruno Martins, and Helena Galhardas, A Benchmark for Relation Extraction Kernels, Proceedings of the East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, 2015 [PDF]
- Tiago Gonçalves, Bruno Martins, and Ana Paula Afonso, Improving Spatial Awareness for Human Trajectory Visualization in Space-Time Cubes, Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2015 [PDF]
- Iman Mirrezaei, Bruno Martins, and Isabel Cruz, The Triplex Approach for Recognizing Semantic Relations from Noun Phrases, Appositions, and Adjectives, Proceedings of the Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining meets Linked Open Data, 2015 [PDF]
- Fernando Melo, and Bruno Martins, Geocoding Textual Documents Through a Hierarchy of Linear Classifiers, Proceedings of the Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2015 [PDF]
- João Loff, Manuel Reis, and Bruno Martins, Predicting Well-Being With Geo-Referenced Data Collected from Social Media Platforms, Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2015 [PDF]
- André Leal, Bruno Martins, and Francisco Couto, ULisboa: Recognition and Normalization of Medical Concepts, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 2015 [PDF]
- Silvio Amir, Wang Ling, Ramón Astudillo, Bruno Martins, Mario J. Silva, and Isabel Trancoso, INESC-ID: A Regression Model for Large Scale Twitter Sentiment Lexicon Induction, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 2015 [PDF]
- Ramón Astudillo, Silvio Amir, Wang Ling, Bruno Martins, Mario J. Silva, and Isabel Trancoso, INESC-ID: Sentiment Analysis without Hand-Coded Features or Linguistic Resources using Embedding Subspaces, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 2015 [PDF]
- André Leal, Daniel Gonçalves, Bruno Martins, and Francisco M. Couto, ULisboa: Identification and Classification of Medical Concepts, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 2014 [PDF]
- Silvio Amir, Miguel Almeida, Bruno Martins, João Filgueiras, and Mário J. Silva, TUGAS: Exploiting Unlabelled Data for Twitter Sentiment Analysis, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 2014 [PDF]
- Tiago Goncalves, Ana Paula Afonso, and Bruno Martins, Visualizing Human Trajectories: Comparing Space-Time Cubes and Static Maps, Proceedings of British Human-Computer Interaction Conference, 2014 [PDF]
- Indira Brito, and Bruno Martins, Making Predictions with Textual Contents: Tests with Portuguese Documents from Distinct Domains, Proceedings of the Spanish Conference on Information Retrieval, 2014
- Carolina Bento, Daniel Gonçalves, and Bruno Martins, Visualizing the Evolution of Groups of Politicians Mentioned in the News, Proceedings of the International Conference Information Visualisation, 2014 [PDF]
- Silvio Moreira, João Filgueiras, Bruno Martins, Francisco M. Couto, and Mário J. Silva, REACTION: A naive machine learning approach for sentiment classification, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 2013 [PDF]
- Tiago Gonçalves, Ana Paula Afonso, Bruno Martins, and Daniel Gonçalves, ST-TrajVis: Interacting with Trajectory Data, Proceedings of the International British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Conference, 2013 [PDF]
- David S. Batista and Rui Silva and Bruno Martins, and Mário J. Silva, A Minwise Hashing Method for Addressing Relationship Extraction from Text, Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, 2013 [PDF]
- João Santos, Bruno Martins, and David Batista, Document Analytics Through Entity Resolution, Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, 2013 [PDF]
- Carolina Bento, Bruno Martins, and Pável Calado, Predicting the Future Impact of Academic Publications, Proceedings of the Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2013 [PDF]
- Tiago Gonçalves, Ana Paula Afonso, and Bruno Martins, Visual Analysis of Mobility Data, PhD Forum of the International Conference on Mobile Data Management, 2013 [PDF]
- Wesley Mathew, and Bruno Martins, A Comparison of First- and Second-Order HMMs in the Task of Predicting the Next Locations of Mobile Individuals, Proceedings of the ACM ´ International Workshop on Mobile Geographic Information Systems, 2012 [PDF]
- Wesley Mathew, Ruben Raposo, and Bruno Martins, Predicting Future Locations with Hidden Markov Models, Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, 2012 [PDF]
- Ivo Anastácio, Bruno Martins, and Pável Calado, The DMIR_Tagus Team at TAC-KBP 2012, Proceedings of the Text Analysis Conference, 2012
- Bruno Martins, Helena Galhardas, and Nelson Gonçalves, Um Método de Classificação Automática Para a Detecção de Duplicados em Gazetteers, Proceedings of the Ibero-American Workshop on Data Quality, 2012
- Duarte Dias, Ivo Anastácio, and Bruno Martins, A Language Modeling Approach for Georeferencing Textual Documents, Proceedings of the Spanish Conference in Information Retrieval, 2012 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins, Ivo Anastácio, and Luis Santos, Combining Learning Methods to Resolve Geographical and Temporal References in Text, Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, 2012 [PDF]
- André Nunes, Bruno Martins, and Pável Calado, Resolving User Identities over Social Networks through Supervised Learning and Rich Similarity Features, Proceedings of the ACM Symposium On Applied Computing. 2012 [PDF]
- Ivo Anastácio, Bruno Martins, and Pável Calado, Supervised Learning for Linking Named Entities to Wikipedia Pages, Proceedings of the Text Analysis Conference, 2011 [PDF]
- Ana Silva, and Bruno Martins, Recommending Tags to Georeferenced Photos, Proceedings of the ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Location-Based Social Networks, 2011 [PDF]
- Rui Candeias, and Bruno Martins, Associating Relevant Photos to Georeferenced Textual Documents through Rank Aggregation, Proceedings of the Terra Cognita Workshop, 2011 [PDF]
- Wang Ling, Pável Calado, Bruno Martins, Isabel Trancoso, Alan Black, and Luísa Coheur, Named Entity Translation using Anchor Texts, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation, 2011 [PDF]
- Catarina Moreira, Ana Cristina Mendes, Luísa Coheur, and Bruno Martins, Towards the Rapid Development of a Natural Language Understanding Module, Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, 2011 [PDF]
- Rui Candeias, and Bruno Martins, Associating Photos to Textual Documents by Mining Geographic Information, Proceedings of the Portuguese Symposium on Informatics, 2011 [PDF]
- André Nunes, Bruno Martins, and Pável Calado, Using supervised machine learning methods to resolve user identities on the social Web, Proceedings of the Portuguese Symposium on Informatics, 2011 [PDF]
- Catarina Moreira, Bruno Martins, and Pável Calado, Using Rank Aggregation for Expert Search in Academic Digital Libraries, Proceedings of the Portuguese Symposium on Informatics, 2011 [PDF]
- Ana Silva, João Domingos, and Bruno Martins, Automatically Tagging Photos Through the Usage of Nearby Photos with Similar Contents, Proceedings of the Portuguese Symposium on Informatics, 2011 [PDF]
- Vitor Loureiro, Bruno Martins, and Pável Calado, A Machine Learning Method for Resolving Temporal References in Text, Proceedings of the Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2011 [PDF]
- Catarina Moreira, Bruno Martins, and Pável Calado, Learning to rank for expert search in digital libraries of academic publications, Proceedings of the Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2011 [PDF]
- Sérgio Soares, Bruno Martins, and Pável Calado, Extracting Biographical Sentences from Textual Documents, Proceedings of the Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2011 [PDF]
- Rui Candeias, and Bruno Martins, Learning to Associate Relevant Photos to Georeferenced Textual Documents, Proceedings of the ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2011 [PDF]
- Vitor Loureiro, Ivo Anastácio, and Bruno Martins, Learning to Resolve Geographical and Temporal References in Text, Proceedings of the ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2011 [PDF]
- Nuno Freire, José Luis Borbinha, Pável Calado, and Bruno Martins, A metadata geoparsing system for place name recognition and resolution in metadata records, Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2011 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins, Delimiting Imprecise Regions with Georeferenced Photos and Land Coverage Data, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems, 2011 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins, A Supervised Machine Learning Approach for Duplicate Detection over Gazetteer Records, Proceedings of the International Conference on Geospatial Semantics, 2011 [PDF]
- Vítor Hugo Sequeira, and Bruno Martins, Delimitação automática de regiões vagas com base em fotos georreferenciadas no Flickr, Actas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação, 2010 [PDF]
- Ivo Anastácio, Bruno Martins, and Pável Calado, Using the Geographic Scopes of Web Documents for Contextual Advertising, Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, 2010 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins and Pável Calado, Learning to Rank for Geographic Information Retrieval, Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, 2010 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins, Ivo Anastácio, and Pável Calado, A Machine Learning Approach for Resolving Place References in Text, Proceedings of the AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 2010 [PDF]
- Emanuel Rita, José Borbinha, and Bruno Martins, Extending SLD and SE for Cartograms, Proceedings of the World Conference of the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association, 2010 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins and Mario Rui Gomes, O cidadão e o prédio urbano : Um projecto de integração de sistemas de informação, Actas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação, 2009 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins and Pável Calado, A comparison of different approaches for assigning documents to geographic scopes, Proceedings of the Portuguese Symposium on Informatics, 2009 [PDF]
- Ivo Anastácio, Bruno Martins, and Pável Calado, Classifying documents according to locational relevance, Proceedings of the Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2009 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins, Nuno Freire, and José Borbinha, Complex Data Transformations in Digital Libraries with Spatio-Temporal Information, Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific International Conference on Digital Libraries, 2008 [PDF]
- Nuno Freire, José Borbinha, and Bruno Martins, Consolidation of References to Persons in Bibliographic Databases, Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific International Conference on Digital Libraries, 2008 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins, Hugo Manguinhas, and José Borbinha, The DIGMAP GeoTemporal Gazetteer Service, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management, 2008 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins, Hugo Manguinhas, and José Borbinha, Extracting and Exploring the Geo-Temporal Semantics of Web Resources, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, 2008 [PDF]
- Gilberto Pedrosa, João Luzio, Hugo Manguinhas, and Bruno Martins, DIGMAP: A service for searching and browsing old maps, Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2008 [PDF]
- Gilberto Pedrosa, João Luzio, Hugo Manguinhas, Bruno Martins, and José Borbinha, DIGMAP: A Digital Library Reusing Metadata of Old Maps and Enriching It with Geographic Information, Proceeding of the the European Conference on Digital Libraries, 2008 [PDF]
- José Borbinha, Gilberto Pedrosa, João Gil, Bruno Martins, Nuno Freire, M. Dobreva, and Alberto Fernández-Wyttenbach, Digital Libraries and Digitised Maps: An Early Overview of the DIGMAP Project, Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific International Conference on Digital Libraries, 2007 [PDF]
- José Borbinha, Gilberto Pedrosa, D. Reis, João Luzio, Bruno Martins, João Gil, and Nuno Freire, DIGMAP - Discovering Our Past World with Digitised Maps, Proceeding of the European Conference on Digital Libraries, 2007 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins, José Borbinha, Gilberto Pedrosa, João Gil, and Nuno Freire, Geographically-Aware Information Retrieval for Collections of Digitized Historical Maps, Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval [PDF]
- Bruno Martins, Nuno Cardoso, Marcirio Chaves, Leonardo Andrade, and Mário J. Silva, The University of Lisbon at GeoCLEF 2006, Proceedings of the Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, 2006 [PDF]
- Nuno Cardoso, Mário J. Silva, and Bruno Martins, The University of Lisbon at CLEF 2006 Ad-Hoc Task, Proceedings of the Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, 2006 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins, Mário J. Silva, Sérgio Freitas, and Ana Paula Afonso, Handling Locations in Search Engine Queries, Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, 2006 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins and Mário J. Silva, A Graph-Based Ranking Algorithm for Geo-Referencing Documents, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 2005 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins, Mário J. Silva, and Marcirio Keys, Challenges and Resources for Evaluating Geographical IR, Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, 2005 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins, Mário J. Silva, and Leonardo Andrade, Indexing and Ranking in Geo-IR Systems, Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, 2005 [PDF]
- Marcirio Keys, Mário J. Silva, and Bruno Martins, A Geographic Knowledge Base for Semantic Web Applications, Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Databases, 2005 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins and Mário J. Silva, The WebCAT Framework: Automatic Generation of Meta-Data for Web Resources, Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, 2005 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins, Marcirio Chaves, and Mário J. Silva, Assigning Geographical Scopes To Web Pages, Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Retrieval, 2005 [PDF]
- Nuno Cardoso, Bruno Martins, Marcirio Keys, Leonardo Andrade, and Mário J. Silva, The XLDB Group at GeoCLEF 2005, Proceedings of the Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum [PDF]
- Bruno Martins and Mário J. Silva, Language Identification in Web Pages, Proceedings ot the 20th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2005 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins and Mário J. Silva, Spelling Correction in Search Engine Queries, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Natural Language Processing (España for Natural Language Processing), 2004 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins and Mário J. Silva, A Statistical Study of the Tumba! Corpus, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Natural Language Processing (España for Natural Language Processing), 2004 [PDF]
- Mário J. Silva, Bruno Martins, Marcirio Keys, Nuno Cardoso, and Ana Paula Alfonso, Adding Geographic Scopes you the Web Resources, Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, 2004 [PDF]
- Francisco Couto, Bruno Martins, and Mário J. Silva, Classifying Biomedical Articles using Web Resources, Proceedings of the 19th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2004 [PDF]
- José Borbinha, Nuno Freire, Mário J. Silva, and Bruno Martins, InterNet Search Engines and OPACs: Getting the best of two worlds, Proceedings of the ICCC/IFIP International Conference on Electronic Publishing, 2003 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins and Mário J. Silva, Web Information Retrieval with Result Set Clustering, Proceedings of the Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2003 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins ans Mário J. Silva, Is it Portuguese? Language detection in large document collections, Actas da Conferência Nacional sobre Redes de Computadores, 2001 [PDF]
Book Chapters
- Raquel Rego, Miguel Won, Bruno Martins, Amália Mendes, Iria del Río, and Pierre Lejeune. The crisis impact on the political discourse of Portuguese social partners, Chapter in M. C. Lobo, F. C. da Silva, and J. P. Zúquete (eds), Changing Societies: Legacies and Challenge - Vol. ii. Citizenship in Crisis, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2018 [PDF]
- Mário Silva, Bruno Martins, and Miguel Costa. Avaliação conjunta de recuperação de informação da Web portuguesa, Chapter in Diana Santos (eds), Avaliação conjunta: um novo paradigma no processamento computacional da língua portuguesa, IST Press, 2006 [book webpage]
- Nuno Cardoso, Bruno Martins, Daniel Gomes, and Mário J. Silva. WPT 03: a primeira colecção pública proveniente de uma recolha da web portuguesa, Chapter in Diana Santos (eds), Avaliação conjunta: um novo paradigma no processamento computacional da língua portuguesa, IST Press, 2006 [book webpage]
Other Publications
- Susana Salgado, Homero Gil Zuniga, Pedro Alcântara da Silva, Afonso Biscaia, Miguel Coimbra, Bruno Martins, and Alexandre Francisco, Assessing the Prevalence and Predictors of Incivility in Online News Comments Across Six Countries, Journalism Practice, 2023 [PDF]
- Emmanuel Papadakis, Ben Adams, Song Gao, Bruno Martins, George Baryannis, and Alina Ristea, Explainable artificial intelligence in the spatial domain (X-GeoAI), Transactions in GIS, 2022 [PDF]
- Song Gao, Shawn Newsam, Liang Zhao, Dalton Lunga, Yingjie Hu, Bruno Martins, Xun Zhou, and Feng Chen, GeoAI 2019 Workshop Report, SIGSPATIAL Special, 2019 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins, Ludovic Moncla, and Patricia Murrieta-Flores, GeoHumanities 2019 Workshop Report, SIGSPATIAL Special, 2019 [PDF]
- Patricia Murrieta-Flores and Bruno Martins, The geospatial humanities: past, present and future, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2019 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins and Patricia Murrieta-Flores, GeoHumanities 2018 Workshop Report, SIGSPATIAL Special, 2018 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins and Patricia Murrieta-Flores, GeoHumanities 2017 Workshop Report, SIGSPATIAL Special, 2017 [PDF]
- Dirk Ahlers, Erik Wilde, and Bruno Martins, Report on the Fifth Workshop on Location and the Web (LocWeb 2015), SIGIR Forum, vol. 49, no. 2, 2015 [PDF]
- Dirk Ahlers, Erik Wilde, and Bruno Martins, Report on the Fourth Workshop on Location and the Web (LocWeb 2014), SIGIR Forum, vol. 49, no. 1, 2015 [PDF]
- Miguel Costa and Bruno Martins, Uma Comparação Sistemática de Diferentes Abordagens para a Sumarização Automática Extrativa de Textos em Português, Linguamática, Revista para o Processamento Automático das Línguas Ibéricas, vol. 7, no. 1, 2015 [PDF]
- Indira Brito and Bruno Martins, Realização de Previsões com Conteúdos Textuais em Português, Linguamática, Revista para o Processamento Automático das Línguas Ibéricas, vol. 6, no. 1, 2014 [PDF]
- David Batista, David Forte, Rui Silva, Bruno Martins, and Mário Silva, Extração de Relações Semânticas de Textos em Português Explorando a DBpédia e a Wikipédia, Linguamática, Revista para o Processamento Automático das Línguas Ibéricas, vol. 5, no. 1, 2013 [PDF]
- Duarte Dias, Ivo Anastácio, and Bruno Martins, Geocodificação de Documentos Textuais com Classificadores Hierárquicos Baseados em Modelos de Linguagem, Linguamática, Revista para o Processamento Automático das Línguas Ibéricas, vol. 4, no. 2, 2012 [PDF]
- José Borbinha, Gilberto Pedrosa, João Luzio, Hugo Manguinhas, and Bruno Martins, The DIGMAP virtual digital library, International Web Journal on Sciences and Technologies Affined to History of Cartography and Maps (e-Perimetron), vol. 7, no. 1, 2009 [PDF]
- Hugo Manguinhas, Bruno Martins, José Borbinha, Siabato Vaca, and Willington Libardo, The DIGMAP geo-temporal Web gazetteer service, International Web Journal on Sciences and Technologies Affined to History of Cartography and Maps (e-Perimetron), vol. 4, no. 1, 2009 [PDF]
- Bruno Martins, Hugo Manguinhas, José Borbinha, Siabato Vaca, and Willington Libardo, A geo-temporal information extraction service for processing descriptive metadata in digital libraries, International Web Journal on Sciences and Technologies Affined to History of Cartography and Maps (e-Perimetron), vol. 5, no. 1, 2009 [PDF]
PhD Thesis
- Bruno Martins, Geographically Aware Web Information Retrieval, PhD Thesis, FCUL, 2009 (supervised by Prof. Mário J. Silva)
- Center for Responsible AI (RRP C645008882-00000055)
- Data sciEnce Tools for Epidemiologic surveillance using multiple sourCes of daTa - Improved flu/COVID-19 tracking and detection of new outbreaks (DETECT - FCT DSAIPA/DS/0133/2020)
- Integrating data and models to understand Dikes Failure Prorocesses (DikesFPro - FCT PTDC/ECI-EGC/7739/2020)
- Identificação Precoce e Caracterização dos doentes com COVID-19 Através da Análise de Imagens de Radiografia Convencional (DeepPathCOVIDx - P2020 694689)
- Intelligent Agents Generator (BotBuilder - P2020)
- Intelligent System of Multimorbidity Management (IntelligentCare - CMU-PT LISBOA-01-0247-FEDER-045948)
- Fighting Fake News (ContraFake - P2020 POCI-05-5762-FSE-000217)
- Decoding Legislation Using Natural Language Processing (LAW-NLP - INCM)
- Improving Search in Diário da República (SEARCH-DRE - INCM)
- Automated and participated surveillance of wildfire fuel management zones (FlorestaLimpa - FCT PCIF/MOG/0161/2019)
- MOnitoring Outbreak events for Disease surveillance in a data science context (MOOD - H2020-SC1-BHC-2018-2020 874850)
- A Machine Learning-Based Forecasting System for Shellfish Safety (MATISSE - FCT DSAIPA/DS/0026/2019)
- Factors to promote healthy dialogue and behaviours in online school communities (DEBAQI - FCT DSAIPA/DS/0102/2019)
- Asistentes Inteligentes para las Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales (IDEAIS - Red CYTED)
- MIning MUlti-source and MUlti-modal geo-referenced information (MIMU - FCT PTDC/CCI-CIF/32607/2017 - Principal Investigator)
- Discourse Analysis and Argumentation Mining from Text Sources (DARGMINTS - FCT POCI/01/0145/FEDER/031460 - Co-Principal Investigator)
- Representativeness of social partners and the impact in economic governance (REP - FCT PTDC/SOC-SOC/29207/2017)
- Streams of hate and untruth? Using online comments, posts and tweets to investigate attitudes and the quality of political debates (HATE - FCT PTDC/CPO-CPO/28495/2017)
- Curating and assimilating crowdsourced and authoritative data to reduce uncertainty in river flow modeling (RiverCure - FCT PTDC/CTA-OHR/29360/2017)
- Digging into Early Colonial Mexico: A large-scale computational analysis of 16th century historical sources (DigCH - T-AP HJ-253525)
- Reassembling the Republic of Letters (COST ACTION IS1310)
- Da monitorização de fluxos de dados globais à recomendação com base em contexto (GoLocal - FCT CMUPERI/TIC/0046/2014)
- Armazenamento e Processamento de Quantidades Massivas de Dados Espaço-Temporais na Nuvem (Saturn - FCT PTDC/EEI-SCR/1743/2014)
- Expression and Recognition of Irony in Multicultural Social Media (EXPRESS - FCT UTAPEXPL/EEIESS/0031/2014)
- Knowledge Discovery from Location-Based Social Networks (KD-LBSN - FCT EXPL/EEI-ESS/0427/2013 - Principal Investigator)
- Large-Scale Data Management in Cloud Environments (DATASTORM - FCT EXCL/EEI-ESS/0257/2012)
- Retrieval, Extraction and Aggregation Computing Technology for Integrating and Organizing News (REACTON - FCT UTA-Est/MAI/0006/2009)
- Services for Intelligent Geographical Information Systems (SInteliGIS - FCT PTDC/EIA-EIA/109840/2009 - Principal Investigator)
- Smarter Indexing and Search Schemes (SMARTIES - FCT PTDC/EIA-EIA/115346/2009)
- The European Digital Mathematics Library (EuDML - CIP-ICT-PSP.2009.2.4)
- Discovering our Past World with Digitized Historical Maps (DIGMAP - ECP-2005-CULT-038042)
- Geographic Reasoning for Search Engines (GREASE/GREASE2 - FCT POSI-SRI-47071-2002)
- Semi-Structured Data Management (XMLBase - FCT POSI-SRI-40193-2001)
Postdoctoral Researchers
- Miguel Won, Analysing Political Discourse Through Text Mining Methods, INESC-ID (co-supervised with Prof. Pedro Magalhães)
- Gil Rocha, Argumentation and Debate in Support of Critical Thinking with LLMs, INESC-ID
PhD Students
- Tiago Gonçalves, Visual Analysis of Human Mobility Data, FCUL, 2017 (co-supervised with Prof. Ana Paula Afonso)
- João Monteiro, Deep Learning for Geospatial Data Disaggregation, IST, 2023 (co-supervised with Prof. João Moura Pires)
- Luís Borges, Neural Information Retrieval, IST/CMU-PT (ongoing co-supervision with Prof. Jamie Callan)
- Rita Ramos, Deep Learning Methods Bridging Language and Vision, IST/KU.DK (ongoing co-supervision with Prof. Desmond Elliott)
- Isabel Coutinho, Clinical Text Mining, IST (ongoing co-supervision with Dr. Gonçalo Correia)
- João Coelho, Neural Information Retrieval for Long Documents, IST/CMU-PT (ongoing co-supervision with Prof. Chenyan Xiong and Prof. João Magalhães)
- João Silva, Vision and Language Models for Remote Sensing Data, IST (ongoing co-supervision with Prof. Devis Tuia and Prof. João Magalhães)
- Artur Guimarães, Information Retrieval over Clinical Documents, IST (ongoing co-supervision with Prof. João Magalhães)
- Gonçalo Gomes, Quality Assessment for Vision-and-Language Encoder Models, IST (ongoing co-supervision with Prof. Chrysoula Zerva)
- Helder Dias, Vision and language LLMs for document form understanding, IST (ongoing co-supervision with Prof. Arlindo Oliveira)
- Piotr Gramacki, Geospatial Language Models, IST (ongoing co-supervision with Prof. Piotr Szymański)
- Francisco Guedes, Knowledge Representation Across Humans and Machines, IST (ongoing co-supervision with Prof. Arlindo Oliveira and Prof. Leila Wehbe)
- Nuno Machado, Vision-and-Language Expert Models for 360-Degree Imagery, IST
- Afonso Certo, End-to-End Robot Task Planning from Voice Commands, IST (ongoing co-supervision with Prof. Pedro U. Lima)
MSc Students
- Ricardo Pereira, Aplicação da norma OGC-WPS ao registo de informação cadastral, IST, 2009 (co-supervised with Prof. Mário Rui Gomes)
- Nelson Veríssimo, Análise de logs de motores de busca, IST, 2009 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- Pedro Medeiros, Monitorização e testes de performance em serviços Web geográficos, IST, 2009 (co-supervised with Prof. José Borbinha)
- Ivo Anastácio, Publicidade online com suporte ao contexto geográfico, IST, 2009 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- Emanuel Rita, Serviços de mapas com suporte à criação de mapas temáticos, IST, 2010 (co-supervised with Prof. José Borbinha)
- André Lucas, Recomendação de programas de televisão, IST, 2010 (co-supervised with Prof. Andreas Wichert)
- Ricardo Alves Gonçalves, TESEU, Técnologia de pesquisa para a Europeana, IST, 2010 (co-supervised with Prof. José Borbinha)
- Vitor Sequeira, Classificação automática e hierarquica de documentos Web, IST, 2011 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- André Soares, Desenho e implementação de um gazetteer, IST, 2011 (co-supervised with Prof. José Borbinha)
- Pedro Martins, Interfaces para motores de busca com capacidades geo-temporais, IST, 2011 (co-supervised with Prof. Manuel Fonseca)
- Catarina Moreira, Pesquisa de peritos com restrições geográficas, IST, 2011 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- Erik Wennberg, Extracção e rastreio geo-temporal de tópicos em textos, IST, 2011 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- Diogo Santos, Extracção de opiniões/sentimentos desde documentos textuais, IST, 2011 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- Sérgio Soares, Extracção de informação biográfica desde documentos textuais, IST, 2011 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- Vitor Loureiro, Reconhecimento e desambiguação de expressões temporais em textos, IST, 2011 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- Rui Candeias, Associação automática de fotos a documentos com relatos de viagens, IST, 2011
- Ricardo Candeias, Extracção de metadados desde artigos científicos, IST, 2011 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- André Nunes, Desambiguação de entidades em redes sociais, IST, 2011 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- João Domingos, Sistemas de recomendação com restrições geográficas, IST, 2012
- Ana Silva, Anotação automática de fotos georreferenciadas, IST, 2012 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- João Vicente, Aprendizagem automática para ordenação de resultados em motores de busca, IST, 2012 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- Nelson Gonçalves, Detecção de duplicados em bases de dados de nomes de locais, IST, 2012 (co-supervised with Prof. Helena Galhardas)
- Carolina Bento, Descoberta de pessoas influentes em redes sociais, IST, 2012 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- Duarte Dias, Prospecção de opiniões em textos e análise da sua distribuição geográfica, IST, 2012
- Luís Santos, Resolução de referências a nomes de locais em documentos, IST, 2012 (co-supervised with Prof. Luísa Coheur)
- Diogo Simões, Limpeza de dados representados em XML através de programas em XQuery, IST, 2013 (co-supervised with Prof. Helena Galhardas)
- António Pedro Carloto, Extracção de informação desde referências bibliográficas, IST, 2013 (co-supervised with Prof. José Borbinha)
- João Santos, Desambiguação de entidades em textos, IST, 2013
- João Pereira, Extracção de relações desde documentos de texto, IST, 2013 (co-supervised with Prof. Helena Galhardas)
- António Amaral, Identificação de parafrases e aplicações em FAQ retrieval, IST, 2013 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- Cecília Raposo, Recomendação de conteúdos textuais no contexto de um sistema para gestão da inovação, IST, 2014 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- Indira Brito, Desenvolvimento de modelos de previsão com base em textos, IST, 2014
- Eduardo Cunha, Caracterização de regiões urbanas com base em dados de redes sociais baseadas na localização, IST, 2014
- David Forte, Geração de redes entre entidades mencionadas em textos, IST, 2014
- Ruben Raposo, Classificação de locais em históricos de localização, IST, 2015
- Alfredo Tavares, Geocodificação de fotos com base no conteúdo, IST, 2015 (co-supervised with Prof. Alfredo Ferreira)
- Fernando Melo, Geocodificação automática de documentos, IST, 2015
- André Leal, Reconhecimento e desambiguação de entidades em textos Biomédicos, FCUL, 2015 (co-supervised with Prof. Francisco Couto)
- João Oliveira, Análise de Corpora Jornalístico através das Ocorrências de N-Gramas, FCUL, 2015 (co-supervised with Prof. Francisco Couto)
- Rui Maia, Contextual Food Recommendation Through Factorization Machines, IST, 2015 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- Manuel Reis, Towards the Study of Human Emotions Through Social Media Contents, IST, 2015
- Ricardo Marques, Detecting contradictions in news quotations, IST, 2015 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- Jorge Almeida, Personalized Food Recommendation Exploring Content-Based Methods, IST, 2015 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- Rodrigo Rodrigues, Adapting State-of-the-Art Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation Frameworks for Handling Clinical Text, IST, 2015 (co-supervised with Dr. Paulo Zamith Nicola)
- Vasco Ferreira, Using Textual Transcripts of Parliamentary Interventions for Profiling Portuguese Politicians, IST, 2016 (co-supervised with Prof. David Matos)
- Joana Rocha, Resolving Named Entities and Relations in Text for Applications in Literary Studies, IST, 2016 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- João Monteiro, Spatial Disaggregation Using Geo-Referenced Social Media Data as Ancillary Information, IST, 2016 (co-supervised with Prof. João Moura Pires)
- Joao Violante, Sentiment Analysis with Deep Neural Networks, IST, 2016 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- Filipe Silva, Computational Detection of Irony in Textual Messages, IST, 2016 (co-supervised with Prof. David Matos)
- Jorge Oliveira, Event Recommendation, IST, 2016 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- Alexey Mazalov, Spatial role labeling with convolutional neural networks, IST, 2016 (co-supervised with Prof. David Matos)
- José Raposo, Open Information Extraction from Dialogue Transcriptions, IST, 2016 (co-supervised with Prof. David Matos)
- Ricardo Lavareda, Entity Linking over Short Texts, IST, 2016 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- Diogo Andrade, IPSentinel e OGC - Infra-estrutura Portuguesa para dados Sentinel e Acesso a Dados através de Protocolos OGC, IST, 2017 (co-supervised with Prof. Mário Silva)
- Francisco Carreira, Extracção de Palavras Chave e Caracterização Geo-Temporal da sua Ocorrência, IST, 2017 (co-supervised with Dr. Miguel Won)
- Rui Santos, Georreferenciação automática de descrições de rotas históricas, IST, 2017 (co-supervised with Prof. Patricia Murrieta-Flores)
- Francisco Duarte, Classificação automática de causas de mortalidade, IST, 2017 (co-supervised with Prof. Mário J. Silva)
- Mauro Teles, Geocodificação e Datação Automática de Obras Musicais com Base no Conteúdo Audio, IST, 2017 (co-supervised with Prof. David Matos)
- Ricardo Custódio, Resolução de nomes de locais em documentos de texto, IST, 2017 (co-supervised with Dr. Miguel Won)
- Carlos Ribeiro, Aprendizagem automática distribuída para análise de dados geo-espaciais e/ou geo-temporais, IST, 2017 (co-supervised with Prof. Paolo Romano)
- Rui Figueira, Datação Automática de Documentos Textuais, IST, 2017 (co-supervised with Dr. Daniel Gomes)
- Barbara Pinho, SleepData - A sleep disorders clinical database, IST, 2017 (co-supervised with Prof. Mário J. Silva)
- Tiago Castanheira, SleepData - A study on sleep disorders, IST, 2017 (co-supervised with Prof. Mário J. Silva)
- Frederico Rodrigues, Neural Methods for Cross-Lingual Sentence Compression, IST, 2018 (co-supervised with Prof. Ricardo Ribeiro)
- Miguel Vieira, Vigilância Epidemiológica de Eventos de Massas, IST, 2018 (co-supervised with Prof. Mário J. Silva)
- Alexandre Marinho, String matching e detecção de duplicados com técnicas de deep learning, IST, 2018 (co-supervised with Prof. Pavel Calado)
- João Godinho, Detecção e atribuição de citações em artigos de jornais, IST, 2018 (co-supervised with Prof. Henrique Cardoso)
- Luís Borges, Análise de texto com redes neuronais profundas para a detecção de notícias falsas, IST, 2018 (co-supervised with Prof. Pavel Calado)
- Filipe Monteiro, Classificar restaurantes de acordo com dados do Yelp e relatórios de inspecção sanitária, IST, 2018 (co-supervised with Prof. Mário J. Silva)
- Bernardo Casaleiro, Desambiguação de etiquetas morfossintáticas com redes neuronais recorrentes e word embeddings, IST, 2018 (co-supervised with Prof. Nuno Mamede)
- Paulo Alves, Extracção de argumentos desde documentos textuais, IST, 2018 (co-supervised with Dr. Miguel Won)
- Nuno Ramanlal, Atribuição automática de coordenadas geo-espaciais a fotos em arquivos históricos, IST, 2018 (co-supervised with Prof. Patricia Murrieta-Flores)
- Rafael Miranda, Deep learning para classificação automática de notas de alta hospitalar segundo códigos ICD10, IST, 2018 (co-supervised with Prof. Mário Silva)
- Miguel Vieira, EpiMass: A Clinical and Epidemiological Platform for Mass Gatherings, IST, 2018 (co-supervised with Prof. Mário Silva)
- Luís Freixinho, Uso de redes neuronais profundas para classificação do território combinando imagens de satélite e fotos geo-referenciadas, IST, 2019 (co-supervised with Prof. João Moura Pires)
- Duarte Pompeu, Classificação automática de lendas e mitos populares, IST, 2019 (co-supervised with Prof. David Matos)
- Daniel Botas, Prospecção de informação em bases de dados de prescrições electrónicas, IST, 2019 (co-supervised with Prof. Mário Silva)
- Luis Santos, Named Entity Recognition over Historical Documents, IST, 2019 (co-supervised with Dr. Pedro Balage)
- Ângela Ferreira, Question generation with deep neural networks, IST, 2019 (co-supervised with Prof. Luísa Coheur)
- Ana Bárbara Cardoso, Resolução de nomes de locais em documentos de texto, IST, 2019 (co-supervised with Prof. Patricia Murrieta-Flores)
- Nelson Nunes, Deep learning para classificação automática de relatórios de radiologia, IST, 2019 (co-supervised with Prof. Mário Silva)
- Maria Dias, Segmentação de fotografias aéreas com redes neuronais profundas, IST, 2019 (co-supervised with Prof. Jacinto Estima)
- Veniamin Craciun, Construção de representações para conceitos extraídos desde textos clínicos, IST, 2019 (co-supervised with Prof. Manuel Lopes)
- Jorge Pereira, Uso de redes neuronais profundas e imagens geo-referenciadas para detecção de cheias, IST, 2019 (co-supervised with Prof. Jacinto Estima)
- Pedro Gomes, Processing query logs for identifying user sessions, IST, 2019 (co-supervised with Luís Cruz)
- Didier Dias, Classificação de solos com técnicas de aprendizagem automática, FCT/UNL, 2019 (co-supervised with Prof. João Moura Pires)
- Tiago Conceicao, Uso de redes neuronais profundas para geocodificação de imagens, FCT/UNL, 2019 (co-supervised with Prof. João Moura Pires)
- Adriana Pereira, Prospecção de argumentos em texto, IST, 2020 (co-supervised with Prof. Henrique Lopes Cardoso)
- Liliana Oliveira, Classificação automática de causas de mortalidade de acordo com a norma ICD-10, IST, 2020 (co-supervised with Prof. Mário Silva)
- Sofia Aparício, Deep learning para a quantificação da valência e intensidade de emoções expressas em língua natural, IST, 2020
- Marta Gonzalez, River Cure Portal: Colaborative GeoPortal for Curatorship of Digital Resources in the Water Management Domain, IST, 2020 (co-supervised with Prof. Alberto Silva)
- João Cardoso, Deep Learning for the Automatic Generation of Medical Imaging Reports, IST, 2020 (co-supervised with Dr. Nuno Silva)
- David Coimbra, A Framework to Assess the Quality and Recommend Changes of Software Issues, IST, 2020 (co-supervised with Prof. Rui Maranhão)
- Mário Cardoso, Deep Learning for Time Series Forecasting, IST, 2020 (co-supervised with Jacinto Estima)
- Manuel Santos, Sentence-level representations for document ranking, IST, 2020 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- Tomás de Oliveira, Deep learning para classificação de diagramas para peças de cerâmica recuperadas em intervenções arqueológicas, IST, 2020 (co-supervised with Prof. Jacinto Estima)
- Henrique Almeida, Mapping Urban Areas Leveraging the Analysis of Ground-Level Imagery with Convolutional Neural Networks, IST, 2020 (co-supervised with Prof. Jacinto Estima)
- Nádia Fernandes, Co-Reference Resolution in Portuguese and Spanish Texts, IST, 2020 (co-supervised with Prof. Henrique Lopes Cardoso)
- Bruno Magalhães, Integração de dados para construção de gazetteers, IST, 2020 (co-supervised with Prof. Jacinto Estima)
- João Machado, Data Extraction and Integration for Creating a Database of Portuguese Unions, IST, 2020 (co-supervised with Prof. José Borbinha)
- Nuno Amaro, Information Extraction on Policy Preferences from Party Manifestos, Political Speeches and Opinion Articles, IST, 2020 (co-supervised with Dr. Miguel Won)
- Isabel Coutinho, Classificação de texto clínico para auxiliar tarefas de codificação, IST, 2020 (co-supervised with Dr. João Leal)
- Miguel Froes, Fenotipagem na Multimorbilidade, IST, 2020 (co-supervised with Prof. Mário Silva and Dr. Bernardo Neves)
- Luís Pereira, Attention Augmented Convolutional Neural Networks for the Classification of Medical Images, IST, 2020
- Olavo Bacelar, Deep Energy Networks for Data Completion, IST, 2021 (co-supervised with Prof. Conceição Amado and Prof. André Martins)
- Rita Conde, Recurrent Neural Networks for Next-Action Prediction, IST, 2021 (co-supervised with Dr. Pedro Balage)
- André Godinho, Building Retrieval-Based Dialogue Systems with Transformers and Hierarchical Neural Network Models, IST, 2021 (co-supervised with Dra. Mariana Almeida)
- Diogo Viegas, Toponym Resolution in Text with Neural Language Models, IST, 2021 (co-supervised with Prof. Maguelonne Teisseire)
- João Barata, Deep Learning for Remote Sensing Image Captioning, IST, 2021 (co-supervised with Prof. Jacinto Estima)
- Martin Mirakyan, Improving Differentiable Neural Architecture Search with Sparse Connections and Model Pruning, IST, 2021 (co-supervised with Prof. Paolo Romano)
- Leonor Fernandes, Neural Methods for Biomedical Synonym Discovery and Concept Alignment, IST, 2021 (co-supervised with Dr. Daniel Faria)
- João Pires da Silva, Deep Learning for Medical Visual Question Answering, IST, 2021 (co-supervised with Prof. João Magalhães)
- Tiago Mesquita, Dense Template Retrieval for Customer Support , IST, 2021 (co-supervised with Dra. Mariana Almeida)
- João Coelho, Geographical Question Answering Leveraging Neural Language Models for Passage Retrieval, IST, 2021 (co-supervised with Prof. João Magalhães)
- Nuno Infante, Clinical Text Summarization, IST, 2021 (co-supervised with Dr. Nuno Silva)
- Marcos Barata, Hybrid Approaches for Spatial Data Interpolation, IST, 2021 (co-supervised with Prof. Jacinto Estima)
- Sérgio Zaera Mata, Remote Sensing Image Captioning, IST, 2022
- Inês Filipe, Classification of Chest X-Ray Images with Deep Neural Networks for Detecting COVID-19, IST, 2021 (co-supervised with Prof. Arlindo Oliveira)
- Francisco Matos, Delineating Boundaries using Deep One-Class Classification, IST, 2021 (co-supervised with Prof. Jacinto Estima)
- Filipe Amaral, Argumentation mining from textual documents combining deep learning and reasoning, IST, 2021 (co-supervised with Prof. Helena Sofia Pinto)
- Artur Guimarães, Adapting Multilingual Sentence Transformers for Unsupervised Key-Phrase Extraction from Long Documents, IST, 2021 (co-supervised with Prof. Mathieu Roche)
- Filipe Martins, Deep Learning Methods for Processing Digitized Herbarium Specimens, IST, 2021 (co-supervised with Prof. Jacinto Estima)
- Bernardo Moreira, Argument Retrieval for Controversial Questions, FEUP, 2022 (co-supervised with Prof. Henrique Lopes Cardoso)
- Pedro Marques, Recommendation of Fitness Venues Using Graph Neural Networks, IST, 2022 (co-supervised with Prof. Pável Calado)
- André Leite, Neural Models for Generating Clinically Accurate Chest X-Ray Reports, IST, 2022 (co-supervised with Prof. Arlindo Oliveira)
- Nichal Narotamo, Conversational Question Re-Writing, IST, 2022 (co-supervised with Dra. Mariana Almeida)
- Ana Silva, ArgumentNext - Visualizing arguments in the real world, IST, 2022 (co-supervised with Prof. Daniel Gonçalves)
- Rafael Galhoz, Question Generation for the Portuguese Language, IST, 2022 (co-supervised with Prof. Pedro Santos)
- Diogo Moura, Contrastive Approaches for Visual Spatial Reasoning , IST, 2022 (co-supervised with Prof. Jacinto Estima)
- João Pereira, Dual Encoder Models for Matching Patients to Clinical Trials, IST, 2022 (co-supervised with Prof. João Magalhães)
- Bruno Cardoso, TrialMatch: A Transformer Architecture to Match Patients to Clinical Trials, FCT/UNL, 2022 (co-supervised with Prof. João Magalhães)
- Gonçalo Mendes, Estimating Emotional Valence and Arousal with Transformer-Based Language Models, IST, 2022
- José Malaquias, Natural Language Processing Leveraging Entity-Aware Representations, IST, 2023 (co-supervised with Dr. Pedro Mota)
- Miguel Gonçalves, Vision Transformers for Remote Sensing Image Segmentation, IST, 2023 (co-supervised with Prof. Jacinto Estima)
- Francisco Guedes, Answering Natural Language Questions with Visual Information from Remote Sensing Imagery, IST, 2023 (co-supervised with Prof. Jacinto Estima)
- Catarina Gatinho, Toponym Disambiguation with Contextual Embeddings, IST, 2023
- João Novo, Augmentation-Based Approaches for Overcoming Low-visibility in Street Object Detection, IST, 2023 (co-supervised with Prof. Arlindo Oliveira)
- Diogo Ferrão, Data Augmentation for Urban Environmental Sound Classification on Edge Devices, IST, 2023 (co-supervised with Prof. Arlindo Oliveira)
- Gonçalo Gomes, Accurate and Well-Calibrated ICD Code Assignment with a Chunk-Based Classifier Attending over Diverse Label Embeddings, IST, 2023
- João Pedras, Open-Vocabulary Remote Sensing Image Segmentation from Contrastive Language–Image Pre-Training, IST, 2023
- Diogo Ferreira, Time Series Forecasting for Disease/Mortality Data, IST, 2023
- Helder Dias, Multi-Document Key-Phrase Extraction with Transformer Models and Geospatial Association Measures, IST, 2023
- Mariana Chinopa, Geographically-Aware Image Captioning, IST, 2023
- Diogo Silva, Dialogue Summarization with Retrieval-Augmented Transformers, IST, 2024 (co-supervised with Prof. Luísa Coheur)
- Manuel Miranda, Finding Bounding Boxes for Visual Answers to Natural Language Questions, IST, 2024
- Miguel Carvalho, Efficient Architectures for High Resolution Vision-Language Models, IST, 2024
- Gonçalo Marques, Enhancing Information Retrieval Models through Click and Synthetic Data, IST, 2024 (co-supervised with Dra. Mariana Almeida)
- Vasco Rocha, Discretization Aware Differentiable ARchiTecture Search, IST, 2024 (co-supervised with Prof. Paolo Romano)
- João Silva, Retrieval-Augmented Text-Only Training for Image Captioning, IST, 2024 (co-supervised with Prof. David Matos)
- Kaiwei Chen, What Makes Multimodal Chain-of-Thought Matter in Complex Multimodal Reasoning Tasks?, Utrecht University, 2024
- Leonor Barreiros, Semi-Supervised Medical Entity Linking, IST, 2024 (co-supervised with Dr. Gonçalo Correia)
- Diogo Branco, Adapting large language models for the domain of clinical trials, IST, 2024 (co-supervised with Prof. Arlindo Oliveira)
- Catarina Valério, Using Large Language Models to Summarize Patient-Physician Dialogues into Medical Notes, IST, 2024 (co-supervised with Dr. Gonçalo Correia)
- Guilherme Lopes, Efficient training of vision and language encoder models, IST, 2024 (co-supervised with Prof. Conceição Amado)
- Afonso Certo, End-to-End Robot Task Planning from Voice Commands, IST, 2024 (co-supervised with Dr. Carlos Azevedo and Prof. Pedro U. Lima)
- Tiago Miranda, Using embeddings to infer diagnostics from medical prescriptions, IST, 2024 (co-supervised with Dra. Joana Gonçalves-Sá)
- Nuno Machado, Optimizing Prompts for Large Language Models Using Evolutionary Algorithms, IST, 2024 (co-supervised with Prof. Joao Paulo Carvalho)
- Inês Mota, Using Large Language Models to Compose Discharge Summaries from Clinical Notes, IST, 2025 (co-supervised with Dr. Gonçalo Correia)
- André Alves, Assessing the Uncertainty of Large Language Models, IST, 2025 (co-supervised with Dr. José Vieira)
- João Nabais, Adapting large language models for the domain of clinical trials, IST, 2025 (co-supervised with Prof. Arlindo Oliveira)
- Manuel Palo, Translating sign language into text with large language models, IST, 2025 (co-supervised with Prof. Luísa Coheur)
- Francisco Nogueira, Comprehension of Multilingual Expressions Referring to Target Objects in Visual Inputs, IST, 2025 (co-supervised with Prof. Alexandre Bernardino)
- Luís Lopes, Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Photos, IST, 2025 (co-supervised with Prof. Alexandre Bernardino)
- João Cardoso, Characterization of the Internal Representations of Multi-Modal Large Language Models, IST, 2025 (co-supervised with Prof. Arlindo Oliveira)
- Rui Alves da Fonseca, Training-Free Multilingual Image Captioning, IST, 2025 (co-supervised with Dr. Gil Rocha)
- Pedro Claro, Vision-and-Language Expert Models for 360-Degree Imagery, IST, 2025
- Carlos Rebelo, Training-Free Captioning of Remote Sensing Aerial Imagery, IST, 2025
- Ricardo Almeida, Deep Learning Approaches to Detect Digital Image Forgery, IST, 2025 (co-supervised with Prof. Arlindo Oliveira)
- Miguel Rebocho, Open-ended Named Entity Recognition, IST, 2025 (co-supervised with Dr. Miguel Freire)